Hi There! Kari here.

I was born & raised in hippie town USA — Portland OR.

I moved to Seattle on a soccer scholarship to play for the University of Washington. It was during a team trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — that I realized that there was, in fact, a world beyond the soccer field and my love for global development and design was born. I graduated with a degree in design and a focus in entrepreneurship.

I am currently working to democratize higher education with Coursera.

Prior to Coursera, I was the head of product for Impact Atlas. I led the product team to successful implementations with clients in Africa, SE Asia, Central America, The Middle East, and The Caribbean. I also worked with Microsoft on the design direction for Windows 10, co-founded social impact organization Haiti Babi — which empowers women in Haiti through training sustainable livelihood, and I worked with Nike on the Better World brand team.

When I’m not building technology products, I love spending time in the mountains... I ski, bike, hike and fly fish.

Please reach out and say hello!